E-tickets for MWB
- System for selling and verifying e-tickets for Moto Weteran Bazar fair
- Payment gateway integration
Audio database
- System for storage and anonymization of etno-linguistic recordings for University of Warsaw
YMS Yamaha
more...- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
- Admin panel
- New graphic style + RWD
Company website
I prepared generic template website with CMS panel, that was later used by almost all Polish Yamaha schools.
Lemko online cource
- Website for presenting language course
- Recordings and documents embeding
Thematic website
Yamaha Music School
more...- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
- Admin panel
- Rewriting existing modules
Company website
Besides YSM Poland central website, I enhanced also:
- Pułtusk YSM Website (pultusk.yamahaszkola.pl)
- Camertina Choir Website (chorcamertina.yamahaszkola.pl)
- Camertina Shop Website (camertina.yamahaszkola.pl)
Boy scouts in school
more...- Graphic design
- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
- Admin panel
Thematic website
Website for project made by The Scouting Association of The Republic of Poland with cooperation with Ministry of Education.
With possibility to send application forms and feedbacks.
Program for metric scansion of ancient texts. Suitable for classicists.
Application made as my master's thesis on computer science faculty.
- Wordpress adjustment to aesthetic and functional needs
- FlipBook integration
Thematic website
I wrote and shared Django app which can perform data synchronization between databases.
Portal dedicated to special fashion topic: cloth additions.
Website provide badges and achievement system.
Application for Leon Kozminski Academy, dedicated for foreign students.
Automatic map scaling, countries contours extracted from svg.
Facebook contest for Totolotek, where users guessed outcome of sport event and show their knowledge about winners of famous football championships.
Adavnced Facebook contest (movie uploading, voting, quiz) in many language versions.
It's worth to notice unusual background and menu layout, as well as highlighting.
Shi Tokei
more...- Bachelor thesis
- Lot of code
- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
- Team project
Web application
Shi Tokei is a system of statistical data storage and visualization. It has universal API and a plug-in for automatic fetching of data from internet. Plotting nice charts.
Project done in 4-people team as a bachelor thesis. Other authors: Krzysztof Knigawka, Tomasz Pazurkiewicz, Tomasz Wysocki (MIM UW faculty).
Website of surgicentre.
Template cutting was unusual and demanding: rounding near menu, which need to be considered when highlighting; two-colour frames with curves; overlapping gradients in background.
All customer wishes were fulfilled despite the complications.
Play - all inclusive
more...- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
- Co-coding the application
Web application
Contest Facebook game for Play Telecommunication operator, advertising their new All Inclusive offer.
User-content website with PRL (Poland under communist reign) theme.
Awarded with 2011 Webstar Prizes in 3 categories, including main: Grand Webstar.
Encounters of M. Couples - Łódź
- Graphic design
- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
- Admin panel
Company website
Sudoku Cavern
more...- Parallel sudoku solving
- WebSocket technology
- Layout cutting (HTML & CSS)
Web application
Student project.
Website for sudoku solving, with unique option to solve one riddle simultaneously by several people, with changes seen immediately by others.
I used prototype Websocket technology.
Website appearance taken from old project - never published.
Making template out of graphic project was very demanding - irregular background, many layers, flash animation with dynamic menu on top.
Graphic designed by Agnieszka Wnuk.
Web application for managing small lawyer's office.
Aesthetic and functional.
I always wanted to make a website presenting pictures and stories of cats I met.
On-line shop for Canadian company.
On-line payments, several shipping methods, quick order placement mode for employees, adaptive appearance for some institutions, many sale reports.
I used to be Dark Throne (Omega) player and I was annoyed by long seeking for opponents, mechanical clicking and so on. So I wrote program which automatized boring parts.
Apart from on-line website, the company wanted to have off-line version with separate database and an archive. As a result I wrote application to move data and synchronize those 3 databases.
I prepared websites for special events:
- 50-years anniversary of 17 ŁDH
- Banner Action
- Leader change
All these websites share common template.
My first big website.
A few interesting parts:
- members card index
- plotting patrols' points charts
Besides that there is ITD (Internet Troop Database) below which holds
Oprócz tego pod spodem siedzi IED many useful information about troop members.
I made this game in first class of a high-school. It was not very sophisticated, graphic was lame and the game has some serious flaws (like using text files instead of a database), but it was on-line for about 6 months and it gathered about 40 players.
Then I closed the project to enhance it; unfortunately, works has never been finished.